Celebrate Their First Birthday with a Custom Book

A child’s first birthday is a momentous occasion. It’s a time for celebration and gifts. If among those gifts is a personalized first birthday book, that child is a lucky one. It means that someone cares enough to give them the gift of reading.
There are people who say that a one-year-old is too young to understand what’s happening when someone reads to them. But others say that it’s never too early to begin reading to a child, and those are the people with whom we at First Time Books agree. When you plant the seed for a love of reading early, you will be lucky enough to see it blossom and result in a well-read and intelligent individual. It is a gift that truly lasts and keeps on giving.
A personalized first birthday book is an ideal way to encourage reading. Children love to hear about other children, and they love even more to read about themselves, their family members, and their friends. They can do all that with a personalized book that is tailored just to them.
Reading with a child is an adventure and memory you can share together. When it’s presented with the young person as the star of the story, the result is profound. It encourages them to think of books as sources of entertainment and friends they will want to visit again and again.