Using the Potty Time Book & Training Tips

Teaching your child how to use the bathroom is an important step in their life as well as your life as a parent--and it isn’t always an easy one. There are a number of different steps to take when it comes to simplifying the potty training process, so you don’t pull your hair out trying to get your little one to meet this exciting developmental milestone.
- Make Sure Your Child Is Ready – You don’t want to try to rush the potty training process, as this might end up making them more averse to trying to use the potty in the future. To achieve success, your child has to be ready to make the change from diapers to the toilet.
- Have Your Child Choose the Potty – There are many different colors, designs, and styles of potty chairs out there. By allowing your child to choose one that they like, you will find it easier to get them to use it.
- Buy “Big Kid” Underwear – This can be a great way to encourage your child to develop their bathroom skills. Some fun cartoon characters, superheroes, or graphic underwear can be just the motivation they need to start leaving those diapers behind.
- Get On a Potty Schedule – Routine helps your child realize when it is time to go as well as where they should go.
- Track Progress in a Fun Way – Creating a chart and placing stickers on it can be a wonderful motivator for children so that they can see their success and feel rewarded for a job well done.
- Read the Potty Time Book – A personalized potty time book is a fun way for your child to understand what is expected when learning to use the bathroom.
Posted on February 03 2020